Friday, March 12, 2010


A world without music would be like a world without emotion. I think music is a great expression of emotion and it also helps to stimulate various feelings. For example, some people use music before an athletic event to get pumped up, while others use it to relax on a nice peaceful day. Music has been around for thousands of years and it is incorporated in almost every part of life. Have you ever watched an entire TV show that did not have some sort of background music or beat? Imagine church without music. It would be an odd experience would it not? Let's not forget the multi-billion dollar industry that would not exist if music was not around. There would be no famous rap artists or rock artists for people to love. There would also be no such thing as an iPod or other various MP3 players. MTV would not be around, where would reality TV be today without MTV? I know that my life would only be a little more boring without music, but some peoples' lives would be drastically affected without the inspiration or comfort music can provide people. Music is a great part of daily life and the world would not be the same without it.

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