Saturday, April 24, 2010


I think it is kind of naive to believe that Earth is the only planet to possess lifeforms. We are in one galaxy or universe in an infinite space of stars and planets. In the infinite amount of planets in outer space is it not kind of stupid to believe that not one other planet is capable of hosting living organisms? Obviously Earth is very unique in the ways it houses specific gases, plants, and water that provide life, but is it not possible that another planet may have these qualities? It is also possible that organisms on other planets have adapted to waterless environments in order to be able to survive. For example, it may be possible that on a planet in another galaxy the organisms use the minerals in rocks to get nutrients and they breathe in nitrogen. Other elements could exist on these other planets that we have not yet discovered. These other elements could provide the necessities for life that we have not yet discovered, and therefore life could possible. I am not insinuating that the lifeforms are any more or less intelligent than we are, or are even anything more than single or small multicellular organisms I am just saying that most likely there are other living beings in outer space and sooner or later, perhaps we will come to meet them!

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